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NFT Marketing Strategy 2024: 10 Ways to Sell Out Smarter

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Successful NFT launches don't happen by chance—they require strategic planning and flawless execution across multiple marketing channels.

A well-planned NFT marketing strategy allows founders to reach their target audience and sell out a collection effortlessly. 

This article contains a detailed NFT marketing strategy put together after analyzing over 30 successful NFT promotion campaigns completed on Blockchain-Ads in 2023 and other successful projects like Bored Ape and CryptoPunks.

It breaks down the 10 most effective NFT marketing strategies used by these projects to build hype, drive demand, and boost sales.

How to Make a Good NFT Marketing Strategy: The Basics

Let’s outline the core fundamentals that most successful NFT collections follow.

Creating a Visionary Roadmap

Investors want to feel safe, and roadmaps give them that. 

A solid roadmap includes NFT advertising plans, user acquisition, and exciting plans for future developments in the NFT ecosystem. 

BAYC is a great example of a project with a visionary roadmap that was executed beyond expectations.

Bored ape yacht club roadmap in their nft strategy

Prioritizing Utility Over Hype (Most of the time)

While the hype train might be enticing, it can fade just as fast. Beyond the artistry, utility is the secret to amplifying the value of NFTs. 

Adding practicality, functionality, or exclusive benefits to a collection is an excellent way of marketing NFTs.

For instance, CryptoPunks offers exclusivity, while Moonbirds offers intellectual property ownership.

However, this isn’t set in stone. For instance, Goblins.WTF and many other collections exploded solely on hype.

goblintown nft strategy was strictly hype based
Goblintown's NFT marketing strategy was strictly hype-based

Understanding “the Story” Behind the NFT

An NFT project is not just a collection: it’s a narrative, a story.

Stories appeal to people and communities, so project teams need to find that special tell that gives the NFT a narrative to ride on.

A perfect example is The Odyssey Experience, which focuses on telling the rich history of Starbucks through immersive journeys and NFT stamps.

10 NFT Marketing Strategies to Completely Sell Out in 2024

Now let's break down what the biggest NFT drops used as strategy that everyone should consider implementing.

1. Run Web3 Display Ads

One of the fastest NFT marketing strategies is running paid campaigns on platforms like Blockchain-Ads. 

Projects like Concept2048 on the TON chain and Raremint on Polygon have had remarkable successes using this strategy.

How they did it:

  • Targeted NFT enthusiasts and collectors on crypto sites
  • Used striking visuals and minimal text
  • Highlighted utility and unique value to build trust
Read More: Blockchain-Ads for Web3 Marketing Campaigns: A Detailed Overview

2. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Many projects rely solely on influencer marketing as their major campaign strategy. 

These influencers, celebrities, or key opinion leaders have a large following. So, having them tweet about your project or even purchase an item from the collection can open up your project to a broader audience. 

For instance, Invisible Friends leveraged influencer marketing during its campaign, getting tweets from Snoop Dogg and other big influencers.

Veefriends is another example, piggybacking on the fame of Gary Vee.

3. Announce Partnership Activations

This is similar to influencer marketing but focuses mainly on a paid or mutually beneficial partnership between your project and an established community or brand. 

NFT brands like Doodles and Pudgy Penguins continue to seek partnerships as they present mainstream visibility opportunities.

For example, in April 2023, 10KTF and PUMA partnered with WoW, CryptoPunks and other big collections on a phygital project.

brand activation nft marketing strategy example
10KTF is an example of an NFT brand using partnership activation in their marketing strategy

4. Email Marketing for Nurturing Potential Holders

Project Founderscan build an email list, establish a direct line of communication with potential buyers, and nurture the relationship with them over time.

Email marketing is also key part of Gary Vee’s VeeFriends NFT marketing strategy.

They tailor email content based on user preferences to create a personalized feel and offer subscribers special promotions, early access, and alphas. 

This can drive sales and loyalty.

5. Social Media Marketing for Wider Reach

Social media drives conversation, connections, and communities in Web3, just as it does in Web2. Successful NFT projects use platforms like Twitter, Discord and Instagram for marketing from the start.

  • Azuki and Doodles also built major hype through their social media presence, leading to rapid sell-outs.
  • Pudgy Penguins used gifs, collaborations, and giveaways on social platforms to go mainstream.
  • Adidas and Nike have promoted shoe and apparel NFT drops via community partnerships and announcements on social media.

Successful tactics include:

  • Teasing upcoming drops or reveals artificially on Twitter to stir anticipation
  • Rewarding community activity with free NFTs and whitelist spots
  • Releasing project updates, roadmaps and announcements across platforms
Check out the best crypto/NFT marketing agencies 

6. Community Building to Increase NFT Hype

Successful NFT projects focus on building active communities. These communities then organically market and enhance the projects over time.

Tight-knit communities emerge when projects bring together collectors, artists, developers, and fans around shared values and conversations.

  • Bored Ape Yacht Club did this well by centering the idea of an exclusive club for NFT holders. IP rights, meetups, and other perks made owning the NFT feel like belonging.
  • CryptoPunks brought early web3 holders together too. Azuki quickly built loyalty through anime-inspired lore, transparent developers, and an inviting social presence.

In each case, an organic community became the driver for:

  • Raising project awareness
  • Encouraging use of the NFTs
  • Increasing trade activity

7. Catalytic Physical Events for Meetups

Though NFTs are digital, physical events can act as nexus points for community activation. 

Parties, exclusive merchandise drops, gallery exhibitions, and live appearances grab attention while forging deeper bonds between creators and fans.

Charging for premium access, securing sponsorships, selling branded merchandise, or taking royalties from secondary sales can help offset event costs as well. 

Gary Vee’s VeeCon is one of the biggest examples of using physical events as an NFT marketing strategy.

8. NFT Airdrops to Attract Potential Holders

Airdrops have become a popular NFT marketing tactic. The idea is to distribute free NFTs to loyal followers who post them on social media and spread the word.

Bored Ape Yacht Club executed this brilliantly by airdropping Mutant Apes to existing Bored Ape holders. The unusual variants with expanded lore created fresh excitement.

Effective airdrop best practices include:

  • Gifting NFTs that recipients can actively use/display
  • Limiting requirements to increase exclusivity
  • Partnering with influencers to maximize shareability

9. Quests to Attract and Engage

Many projects and companies now use Quest as a top-of-the-funnel NFT marketing strategy.

Quests can be organized on platforms like Galxe

Introducing quests can get your audience hooked on the thrill of completing challenges and earning rewards, making your NFT more than just buying and owning. 

Quests also add that extra layer of fun, turning NFT ownership into a memorable experience.

Roblox, Minecraft, and other platforms all use quests on Zealy.io and Galxe.com to help expand their communities.

10. Leverage Affiliate Marketing

This is a budget-friendly NFT marketing strategy and can be effective.

Project founders can set up an affiliate program where anyone can promote your NFTs in exchange for a commission on sales. 

Affiliates would be motivated to actively promote your NFTs, and the cost burden is tied to the promotion's success, making this a mutually beneficial partnership.

Sorare does an awesome job when it comes to NFT affiliate marketing.

What is the best marketing strategy for NFT?

The most effective NFT marketing strategies focus on building community engagement across social media platforms like Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. Strategically run paid ads on a platform like Blockchain-Ads to attract high-quality investors and engage with influencers in the NFT space to expand your reach. 

How to promote an NFT successfully?

To successfully promote your NFTs, leverage social media to showcase your artwork and foster personal connections with collectors. Share works-in-progress sneak peeks and process videos to build anticipation. 

Give away free NFTs or run quests to attract new followers who may become buyers. Collaborating with other artists for cross-promotions also helps grow your audience.

Pro-Insights Into the Best NFT Marketing Strategies

1. NFT Ticketing for Experiential Value

NFT ticketing is quietly becoming a thing for exclusive events. 

Take FORMULA1, for example. The Platinum Group kicked it up by adding NFTs to their ticketing game for the Monaco Grand Prix. 

Now, your ticket isn't just a piece of paper; it acts as a valid authenticator to a VIP pass into the race.

Users enjoy perks like front-row access, post-event hospitality, and future race discounts. These kinds of rewards strengthen loyalty amongst fans of the Grand Prix. 

2. Strategic Partnerships for Cross Promotion

Collaborate with other NFT projects, influencers, or brands to expand your reach. Cross-promotion can introduce your NFTs to new audiences and strengthen your community. Look for partnerships that align with your brand values to maximize the impact of the collaboration.

3. Dynamic Pricing Strategies

Experiment with dynamic pricing models. Consider auctions, limited-time discounts, or price tiers based on community involvement. This adds excitement to the purchasing process and accommodates different collector preferences and budgets.

4. Iterative Strategy Adjustments

Recognize the nature of the NFT market. Regularly reassess and adjust your marketing strategies based on market trends, community feedback, and your NFTs' overall performance. 

Being agile and adaptable ensures that your approach stays relevant and is relatable to your audience.

Our Thoughts

Incorporating NFT marketing strategies for your business is important for its success in this space.

A good marketing strategy offers a clearly defined roadmap to follow and a straightforward way of communicating your value effectively and efficiently. 

The 10 NFT marketing strategies above are a good way to get your foot in the door when exploring NFT marketing strategies for your project.

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CEO - Social Kick Marketing Agency