Web3 Advertising

17 Best Web3 Ad Networks of 2024

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Do you know why I spent countless hours researching the top Web3 advertising networks? It's because of the benefits they provide, which make them valuable to any brand who wants to advertise in Web3.

Web3 ad networks like Blockchain-Ads, Metronomo, and Hypelab are one of the main players in the crypto advertising landscape, bridging the gap between advertisers and publishers. These ad networks do away with the need for intermediaries and leverage smart contracts, making Web3 ads more effective and trustworthy. They are simply your only way to meet the emerging audience of the Web3 landscape.

Hence, if you’re going to advertise your crypto brand or blockchain, you’ll need the best Web3 ad network among them.

As such, this article is going to get your foot in the door by showing you the top players in the Web3 ad landscape.

What Are the Top Web3 Ad Networks of 2024?

Although there are numerous emerging ad networks in the Web3 space, the recommendations below have stood out as the best options.

  1. Blockchain Ads
  2. Metronomo
  3. Hypelab
  4. Slise
  5. Pr3sence
  6. Mad Finance
  7. AmpliFi
  8. Oddin
  9. Coinzilla
  10. Cointraffic
  11. Coinad
  12. A-ads
  13. AdToken
  14. Bitraffic
  15. AdEx
  16. Varanida
  17. Adshares


1. Blockchain-Ads: The Overall Best Web3 Ad Network

It's frustrating to get rejected each time crypto brands want to run advertisements on on Facebook or other top-tier networks.

This is why Blockchain Ads was created in 2022, a Web3 ad network that seeks to revolutionize crypto advertising. Today, this platform stands at the top Web3 advertising network, serving over 6 billion impressions per day.

Blockchain-Ads is unique in the sense that it goes beyond the strategies used by most ad networks. It connects wallet addresses with advertising IDs to offer targeted marketing campaigns. 

In essence, you’re getting a hyper-targeted ad that outshines other Web3 ad networks. Plus, this marketing platform promises to display your ads before more than 11 million wallet holders and across more than 9000 crypto websites.

There are numerous industries that Blockchain Ads specializes in, and they include:

  • Gaming
  • Decentralized finance
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
  • Centralized finance
  • Infrastructure
  • Betting and gaming

So, you can trust this advertising network for the growth of your Web3 community and boost the engagement of your decentralized app. If you want to launch a new token, Blockchain Ads can put your token launch in the spotlight. See our detailed Blockchain-Ads review.

Blockchain Ads works with a performance-based pricing model, which means that your spending depends on the results of your ads. 

Nonetheless, this Web3 advertising platform has a $10,000 minimum threshold for its services. This way, it can promise high performance and extensive reach for even the smallest marketing campaigns.

Get started with Blockchain-Ads today.

2. Metronomo: AI-Driven Ad Targeting for Maximum ROI

This is a Web3 advertising network that utilizes AI to achieve maximum results. In fact, Metronomo likes to think of itself as a user acquisition machine due to the efficacy of its services.

Metronomo works by targeting on-chain user behavior and using AI algorithms to analyze on-chain activities. Some of the activities include social graphs, smart contract interactions, and inter-wallet transactions.

Metronomo uses in-banner swaps, in-banner token claims, and wNFT banners with exchangeable metadata. These services are geared towards increasing conversions and enhancing user interactions.

This ad network is also known for its transparency, which works with on-chain and off-chain data. With this, advertisers can gain full control over their budgets and their Return On Investments (ROI).

3. Hypelab: Cutting-Edge Ad Strategies for Web3 Projects

Hypelab is all about making Web3 advertising simple. This ad network was established by Ed Weng, a former Google product manager who’s experienced in digital advertising.

Hypelab serves both advertisers and publishers. This ad network allows advertisers to design their campaigns to enable them to find their target users. It also offers real-time performance tracking and daily reporting dashboards.

Hypelab serves any need: both video and image-inclined advertising. Using on-chain and off-chain features, this Web3 ad network promises to bring advertiser ads to their target users.

Publishers can easily insert Hypelab ad placements in their apps and find ad formats that match their website’s feel. With Hypelab, publishers also enjoy real-time performance tracking services and daily reporting dashboards.

4. Slise: Personalized Ads for Crypto-Native Audiences

On-chain data is an underutilized resource, as far as Slise is concerned. Hence, this Web3 advertising network is all about analyzing this on-chain activity to provide tailored ads.

Slise uses the power of blockchain indexing, user profiling, segmentation, real-time bidding, and ads serving, to cater to publishers and advertisers. So, advertisers can pick Web3 personas, create audiences, and reach their wallet targets. As this service doesn’t depend on third-party cookies, it's very efficient.

Real-time analytics are also available, along with automatic track conversions. Slise also preserves user integrity and privacy as it only uses public blockchain information. This ad network also promises the top 2% of crypto traffic by placing customer ads on selected decentralized applications where their targets live.

5. Pr3sence: Privacy-Prioritized Ad Targeting for Web3

Pr3sence is what you get when you combine targeted advertising expertise and privacy. This ad network keeps privacy at the core of its advertising services. As such, it doesn’t work with cookies or any personally identifiable information.

This Web3 ad network also engages the power of AI and machine learning to analyze blockchain transaction histories. With this information, Pr3sence gains insight into user interests and adjusts its ads appropriately. Pr3sence guarantees that with this method, they’ll be able to create ads that users are more inclined to engage with.

Like most Web3 advertising platforms, Pr3sence works for both advertisers and publishers. Advertisers use its cross-chain targeting technology to expand their reach, while its precision targeting technology works with user smart contract information.

Publishers use Pr3sence to create ads that don’t utilize cookies yet still stand out due to their quality. This ad network also promises seamless integration for anyone who wants to tailor the ads to their websites.

6. Mad Finance: Decentralized Ad Protocol for Transparency

Mad Finance is a decentralized protocol that believes in transparency and compensating creators for their value. It wants to make the advertising industry more direct and privacy-focused. To do this, Mad Finance will be using programmable tokens, open social graphs, and other tools.

Instead of Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) and Deman-Side Platforms (DSPs), Mad Finance prefers a trustless ad network. This ad protocol also uses NFTs instead of third-party browser cookies to ensure user privacy.

Mad Finance believes that brands can issue ‘trust tokens’ that’ll incentivize holding certain NFTs in their wallets. With this, the brands can exchange something of value for user data, and users can decide if they want promotional content. This decentralized ad protocol also works with real-time money streams to ensure that payments are transparent.

7. AmpliFi: "Clickbank" for NFTs, Web3 Projects, and DeFi

Who says affiliate marketing is dead in the world of Web3? Well, AmpliFi is a Web3 advertising initiative from CRE8R DAO that wants to scale the reach of every brand. 

To achieve this goal, this Web3 ad network uses referral marketing and affiliate marketing systems. AmpliFi’s methods are not limited to these; they also involve content creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and email marketing. Social media marketing is also done through AmpliFi’s network of content creators and influencers to meet the NFT, DeFi, crypto, and GameFi crowds.

All AmpliFi campaigns are custom-built for each client to ensure that they hit their goals. Even at their own expense, this platform is prepared to ensure that their client campaigns perform at their best.


8. Oddin: Efficient and Reliable Ad Services for Web3

There’s a wave of change in the digital marketing era, and Oddin is riding that wave to bring permissionless programmatic advertising solutions. Instead of wasting time crafting Web2 marketing funnels for effective advertising, Oddin automates things. 

With this ad network, users can easily create Web3 marketing campaigns, track their results, and offer rewards to incentivize their audience. Oddin can be seamlessly integrated into any online platform to allow for automatic revenue optimization. Using Oddin’s account management tools, advertisers and publishers can simplify the account management process and maximize monetization.

9. Coinzilla: Quality Ad Formats for Web3 Advertisers

This is the result-driven crypto advertising network, allowing advertisers to reach new audiences on the largest crypto websites. It’s one of the Web3 advertisers that offers flexible budgets that allow their clients to balance their ad delivery between costs and performance.

Coinzilla gives its clients a choice; they can manage their Web3 ads themselves or with the aid of Coinzilla professionals. For its professional services, this ad network offers expert content writing and crypto banner creation. It also works with a trusted group of publishers to ensure that all ads enjoy top-quality traffic.

Coinzilla has delivered more than 16,000 campaigns, showing that it has ample experience in this field. The ads on this platform usually appear as classic banners, sticky banners, native ads, header banners, or pop-unders.

10. Cointraffic: Comprehensive Ad Solutions for Web3

Web3 advertising is successful when an advertiser is connected to the right people. Cointraffic is an ad network that creates engaging ad formats to create brands for their target audience. This Web3 ad network offers native ad services, crypto press release distribution, and premium display ads.

Advertisers can gain access to an inventory of over 600 publishers with Cointraffic. They can also reach the elusive Bitcoin users and gain knowledge of their preferences. Professional banner design services are also available for whoever needs them.

For publishers, Cointraffic allows them to set up multiple ads with one simple code. This ad network also offers high commissions for its ads and allows publishers to get paid whenever they want.

For its services, Cointraffic accepts a minimum of €20 for one banner ad. However, the minimum amount for a marketing campaign is €1,000.

There’s a lot that Cointraffic has achieved since its inception. It has kickstarted more than 200 brands and raised more than €800 million in initial coin offerings.

11. Coinad: Display Advertising for Web3 Projects

Ready to launch a Web3 advertising campaign in two minutes? Coinad is a crypto advertising platform that allows its clients to create custom ads and generate top leads using its publisher network.

Coinad offers a marketplace where advertisers can share their press release stories with more than 250 crypto-related websites. Publishers can also use the services of this platform to create ad codes that’ll allow them to monetize their website traffic. One of the top services that Coinad offers is geotargeting, where advertisers can choose the device, time, and geographical location of their ads.

Coinad offers numerous pricing plans for its services, but they all start at $100. When customers purchase these services, they receive real-time statistics on their results.

12. A-ads: Display Advertising for Crypto Audiences

A-ads is an ad network that has been in the business of providing Web2 and Web3 advertising services since 2011. With its experience, it has earned a reputation as a trusted Bitcoin advertising platform. The advertising services of A-ads include banner advertising, content ad publication, press releases, video advertising, social media posts, and an affiliate program.

A-ads also stands out from other banner advertising platforms with its advanced banner services. This includes multiple banner formats and offering sales directly from a banner. This Web3 advertising platform also offers transparent statistics for its services and global audience targeting.

13. AdToken: Versatile Ad Formats for Web3 Advertisers

AdToken is a unique take on the Web3 advertising business. First, AdToken is a blockchain, and it’s using its capability as a blockchain to create a decentralized advertisement alliance. This means that ads are now transparent since they’re handled with blockchain technology.

Beyond that, AdToken tokenizes these Web3 ads; this way, they can be easily traded and transferred to the cryptocurrency market. Another advantage of AdToken’s method is that these tokenized ads circulate through a permissionless and transparent mechanism, which makes value realization accurate.

AdToken also offers direct access to mobile application developers, who are some of the crucial traffic providers in the cryptocurrency industry. In summary, the decentralized alliance between advertisers, the blockchain community, and mobile application developers allows AdToken to offer unique Web3 ad services.

14. Bitraffic: Targeted Ad Solutions for Web3

Bitraffic is a Bitcoin advertising network that brings together advertisers and publishers in the Bitcoin community. This Web3 advertising network keeps things simple; they allow their clients to choose between advertising CPM or CPC. Regardless of the option they choose, Bitraffic promises increased Return On Investments (ROI).

Keyword targeting is also available to reach a specific audience in the Web3 industry. Bitraffic offers real-time statistics on all their services, allowing their clients to see how their campaigns are doing. To ensure maximum flexibility, this ad network allows its customers to choose from a variety of ad formats.

15. AdEx: Advanced Analytics for Web3 Advertisers

The Web3 ecosystem is expanding, and many companies haven’t made the transition from Web2 to Web3. AdEx is an ad network that is out to build a bridge to support these companies that desire to join the crypto space.

It aims to achieve this by building a user-friendly space where advertisers can purchase ad space on traditional consumer platforms. This way, the advertisers can target users who are interested in the services they have to offer. Using Web3 technology, AdEx is able to ensure that this process is transparent, preventing fraud and allowing the effective utilization of ad budgets.

AdEx has successfully launched more than 1,500 campaigns and works with more than 2,700 publishers. This shows its capability to provide Web3 advertising services.


16. Varanida: Transparency and User Privacy for Web3 Ads

Traditional ad services never really favor the audience, even though their data is being used to make the ads accurate. Varanida hopes to change that by creating a new era where all parties in the digital advertising sphere are properly compensated. As such, this Web3 ad network only takes less than a 1% commission for its services.

Varanida only runs ads that have been validated through a crowdsourced user vote to ensure that their quality is high enough. This platform allows the target audience to choose if they want to view an ad and rewards them if they allow it. With a strong, blockchain-powered fraud detection system, Varanida enables transparent reporting on its services.

17. Adshares: Decentralized Ad Networks for Web3

Adshares is an open-source ad network that seeks to serve all advertising microtransactions worldwide. With a speed of 1.4 million transfers per second, this platform claims to be the fastest and greenest ad solution.

As an open-source solution, the Adshares SDK is developer-friendly, allowing seamless integration into any ecosystem. This includes metaverses, ad networks, browser apps, plugins, etc.

Adshares allows advertisers to share their ads in the metaverse, on websites, mobile apps, games, AR/VR platforms, etc. In simple terms, this ad network offers programmatic ads in any digital space and enables easy monetization of the ads.

Adshares is a fully decentralized Web3 ad solution. This means that all payments made on this platform are secure, transparent, and instant.

What are the ads in Web3?

Web3 ads are simply ads that crypto brands pay publishers and ad networks to put on platforms with a web3 audience. Web3 ads usually appear as:

  • Video ads
  • Text ads
  • Banner ads
  • Content creation
  • Social media ads
  • Press Release (PR)

To better understand how Web3 ads run in the crypto landscape, you need to understand who the main players here are.

The Web3 advertising landscape is dominated by two main parties: advertisers and publishers.

Advertisers are people who are interested in purchasing ad spaces on the Internet. Publishers are sites or apps that provide these ad spaces and profit from the placement.

In between these two parties are middlemen, the most popular of which is the ad network. Ad networks are groups of publishers that connect these advertisers to their publishing network. This way, when the advertisers run their campaign, it’ll be seen on a large number of sites.

What to Look for in a Trustworthy Web3 Ad Network

Web3 ad networks are the best tools to take advantage of the emerging Web3 community. Hence, it’s important to find the best tool for a business in the crypto landscape. Below are a few tips you can use to find the most trustworthy Web3 ad network.

  • Niche: Not all Web3 advertising networks have the same niche. Some of them are focused on the gaming industry, social media, finance, or even many areas at once. Hence, it's important to check if your chosen ad network offers services in the niche of your business.
  • Ad Style: Pop-under banners, video ads, text ads, floating banners, and standard banners are some of the advertising styles offered by Web3 ad networks. A rule of thumb is to choose an ad network that offers a wide variety of ad styles that you can work with. If you have a preference, ensure that your chosen ad network can provide those ad styles.
  • Payment Terms: It's always best to choose a Web3 advertising network that offers clear payment terms and accepts numerous payment methods. It's even better if their chosen method of payment is cryptocurrency, as this makes the transaction more transparent.
  • Simple Integration: If you’re a publisher, you’ll need to integrate your ad network into your platform to work with it. As such, it’s best to choose an ad network that offers easy and seamless integration capabilities.
  • Performance Analysis: All businesses require clear metrics and statistics on how well or poorly their ad campaign is going. Hence, you should only choose an ad network that can offer a comprehensive analysis of their campaigns. It's even better if the analysis is in real-time.
  • Anti-fraud techniques: The Web3 landscape is not free from bots, fake clicks, and fake accounts. As such, your chosen Web3 ad network should have techniques to protect your ad campaign from being sabotaged by these frauds.
  • Targeting Options: Web3 ad networks with geographical targeting capabilities are the best options for displaying ads for a select demographic. Geo-targeting capabilities make their ad services more accurate.

More on Web3 Ad Networks (FAQs)

Does Google Allow Web3 Ads?

Yes, Google allows Web3 ads from wallets, crypto exchange services, and other crypto-educational platforms. However, these advertisers must comply with a set of rules and regulations depending on the country they’re targeting. Hence, most advertisers stick to Web3 ad networks for their advertising services.

What Is the Best Web3 Ad Network?

The best Web3 ad network is Blockchain-Ads, a platform that offers measurable ROI, real-time statistics on ad campaigns, and Web3 geographic targeting. This ad network also offers expansive user reach, boosted dApp engagement, community growth, and efficient token launches.

How Do Web3 Ad Networks Work with Smart Contracts?

As self-executing pieces of code, smart contracts allow Web3 ad networks to serve ads to the right audience at the right time. Simply put, smart contracts automate the advertising process and make it more efficient.

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Reach Up to 11 million Crypto Holders with Blockchain-Ads

BCA performance-based ad network ensures you pay only for genuine engagements. Get access and maximize your ROI.

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Mass growth with Blockchain Ads.

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"We are running more than 45 campaigns for 10 different projects. The BCA team is outperforming anything else we have seen. Reminds me on Facebook Ads in 2014. WILD. We're able to scale our campaigns massively. Increase number of token holders, sales, increase volume, acquire high value traders."
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Adam Jordan
CEO - Social Kick Marketing Agency