Total Impressions: 908,556 | Click-Through Rate (CTR): 4.53% | Players: 3,101 | Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): $19.35 is a leading online casino loyalty program that connects players to a network of over 30 reputable online casinos. They wanted to acquire new users and expand their player base. The platform used Blockchain-Ads to achieve this goal effectively. launched a user acquisition campaign with a budget of $60,000. The campaign aimed to attract new players by leveraging targeted advertising strategies within the gambling niche.
By using Blockchain-Ads' advanced targeting tools and optimization features, successfully acquired over 3,100 new users at an efficient CPA of $19.35. This campaign demonstrates how precise Web3 targeting can drive impactful results in the online gambling sector.
User Acquisition
30 days
Used pre-built Web3 audience and granular targeting to drive casino loyalty program adoption.