956 New traders in 40 days | $58 CPA with $2400 LTV per trader
AlphaExchange is a DEX platform from MDX Tech that wanted to attract high-value DeFi traders in a saturated market. To achieve this, AlphaExchange launched a precision-targeted global campaign using Blockchain-Ads' Web3 targeting technology. The results were impressive with new trader acquisitions and massive increases in transaction volume from new traders.
The team at MDX Tech had a primary objective of increasing the number of traders on the platforms. They ran the campaign for a 90-day period, with an Ad spend of $36,000. The team employed the Web3 targeting capabilities of Blockchain-Ads to reach their audience and create a tailored campaign that resonated with high LTV DeFi traders.
The campaign strategy also included these campaign hooks:
The campaign acquired 956 new traders while maintaining a $58 CPA with a $2400 LTV per trader.
The MDX tech launched a successful marketing campaign for AlphaExchange. Through advanced targeting capabilities and strategic messaging, the campaign effectively attracted high LTV DeFi traders to the new decentralized trading platform. While the CPA slightly exceeded the initial target, the campaign's overall success in acquiring new traders and driving platform adoption demonstrates the effectiveness of Blockchain-Ads' marketing solutions in the competitive blockchain and DeFi sectors.
Alpha Exchange
User Aquisition
DeFi - DEX
90 Days
Acquired 956 new traders using hyper-targeted Web3 campaigns and granular targeting