
9 лучших кампаний по криптомаркетингу для привлечения идей в 2024 году


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Launching a successful crypto project takes more than just good technology.  An effective marketing strategy to reach and convince your target audience is a must.

Some of the most successful crypto projects have run innovative marketing campaigns that generated huge buzz and drew in users.

In this review, I analyze nine of the top crypto marketing campaign ideas to help with your planning. 

Ideas For Crypto Marketing Campaigns

For each campaign, I explain why it was so effective and how you could adapt their tactics for your own crypto launch

Carbon Browser - Leveraging Partnerships

Carbon Browser executed one of the best marketing strategies in 2023 for its token launch. First, they built a product that solved a key issue in the crypto community—privacy. 

The next plan was to get their message in front of people with a super high chance of buying their IDO.

How did they do it?

Partnerships—they consistently announced partnerships every 3 to 4 days with big names like Polygon, BNB Chain, and top KOLs/influencers. 

Then, they doubled down on press releases, community engagement, and airdrop campaigns. They took a step further to increase their holders through Web3 native ad campaigns.

Overall, it resulted in $ 1.6 million in IDO with 4,060% price growth, 4,000 new $CSIX holders, and 5,460 new dApp downloads.

Read Carbon Browser Case Study

Binance - Building Brand Reputation

Binance has always been a champion when it comes to crypto marketing. In 2023, their main strategy revolved around user retention and re-engagement.

You’ll notice this from their in-app notifications—nonintrusive and well-curated to always provide value. 

And the bonuses? Always spot on, incentivizing user participation in trading contests.

It doesn’t end there—Binance also did a great job with its nurturing campaigns for new users. Plus, they were always one step ahead of the market by jumping on trends early.

Binance user acquisition data using Blockchain-Ads

But it’s not these variables that made their marketing successful—the key factors were:

  • Strong branding and narrative: Consistent branding and emphasis on democratizing finance builds trust with users and resonates.
  • 360 channels: Utilizes various marketing channels to maximize reach and impact.
  • Structured funnel: Guides potential customers through buyer journey, boosting conversion rates while incentivizing current users for re-engagement.

We explained this further in our Binance $76 billion analysis.

Pudgy Penguins - Using Web2 Marketing in Web3 for Mass Adoption

Pudgy Penguins' marketing plan has shown how to use Web2 marketing strategies to get many people to use Web3 products. 

A huge part of the project's success has been its massive Instagram following and the creation of freely usable GIFs.

The second key driver of their mass adoption was the introduction of Pudgy Toys and partnerships with Walmart. These toys were available in all Walmart stores, making the project more accessible to everyday people. 

Also, the Pudgy Penguins team has done a good job of playing down the technology behind their brand. Many people found it easier to relate to the project without understanding how NFTs or the blockchain work.

Check out our Pudgy Penguin’s analysis

ChainGPT - Ride on Trending Concepts

So, the ChainGPT marketing strategy was simple—narrative and timing. Artificial intelligence (AI) was the trending topic and the next big thing. Their conceptualization was pretty much at the same time as the ChatGPT3 public release.

But there was no Web3 counterpart at the time. 

So, they launched a token with the utility revolving around a full suite of AI tools to serve the crypto community.

ChainGPT AI Suite

While this was enough to pull traction, they doubled down on partnership announcements to help gain fast exposure in a short time. 

These tactics, combined with good storytelling and narrative, were enough to push the ChainGPT token to push their token by  4,125%. 

See the biggest IDOs of 2023 and how they succeeded

RTFKT x Nike - Leading the Phygital Trend

Nike’s journey is a classic example of ” Brands in Web3 vs. Web3 in Brands," showing how a traditional company can break into a new market and dominate.

The company already had a competitive edge—its established brand. However, they understood that marketing in Web3 required catering to a different audience and building an engaged community, not just pushing products.

Nike’s key approaches were:

  • Strategic Collaborations: The RTFKT acquisition allowed Nike to tap into NFTs and virtual wearables. It also got Takashi Murakami, Lebron James, and top influencers on board to further create buzz.
  • Social Media Promotions: Instagram and Twitter posts featuring RTFKT collabs and Snapchat AR virtual gear filters garnered millions of views and excitement.
  • Virtual Worlds: Nikeland on Roblox provided an immersive space to showcase offerings.

Starbucks - Building Brand Adoption through Customer Loyalty

We’ve talked about Starbucks and how it totally nailed the Web2/Web3 crossover game. 

The clever marketing trick here is Starbucks using its Rewards program to sell its NFTs.

All they had to do was find the right messaging that their members could relate to—participate in an immersive experience with a brand you love and collect valuable stamps along the way.

Starbuck’s simple messaging and proper funnel resonated with their loyalty program members, resulting in millions in revenue.

Pepe Meme Coin - Riding on Hype and Community Vibes

Pepe is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable organic crypto marketing campaigns to learn from. The project launched on April 17, 2023, and quickly flipped every other meme coin in the market within days.

How they did it was simple:

  1. The power of the meme: Pepe the Frog is a well-known and widely recognized meme, which allowed the coin to gain traction quickly.
  2. Organic growth and word-of-mouth: The Pepe community initially relied on word-of-mouth and advertising to attract new holders, pushing the coin's trading volume to reach $31.58 million in just three days after its launch.
  3. Timing: The launch of the Pepe coin occurred during a bear market, which may have contributed to its success. Investors were captivated by the coin's rapid growth and strong returns in a tough market.
  4. Social media presence: The Pepe community leveraged social media platforms, particularly Twitter, to promote the coin, further fueling its growth and popularity.
  5. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): The coin's rapid growth and impressive returns created a sense of FOMO among potential investors, driving more people to buy the coin to make significant gains.

Louis Vuitton - Using Hype and Community to Your Advantage

Louis Vuitton’s journey is a classic example of what happens when hype meets reality. The luxury brand is naturally known for being highly exclusive, so it was easy for them to transition that same value into Web3.

Besides exclusivity, the marketing strategy for the project, "VIA Treasure Trunk," was successful for several reasons:

  1. Leveraging the brand's heritage: The project reinforced Louis Vuitton's image as a leader in luxury and innovation.
  2. Collaboration with Web3 influencers: Partnerships with well-known figures in the Web3 community helped generate buzz and excitement.
  3. Storytelling: The project's marketing focuses on the story behind the project, which helped to create an emotional connection with the audience.

Read our Louis Vuitton Analysis

EstateX - Best Crypto Marketing Funnel Setup

Check out EstateX’s strategy if you want to see what a well-planned marketing funnel looks like. This real-world asset project’s presale sold out in 3 minutes, with a single user investing over $13,000.

How did they do it?

Квесты > Таргетированная реклама Web3 > электронный маркетинг

  • Задания: EstatEx использовала такие платформы, как Zeally и Galxe, для создания первой пользовательской базы.
  • Таргетированная реклама Web3: Затем они разместили нативную рекламу с помощью Blockchain-Ads, чтобы привлечь в сеть ценных инвесторов.
  • Электронная почта: Заинтересованные лица были направлены в список рассылки, где команда EstatEx поддерживала их до конца. части маркетинговой воронки.

Ознакомьтесь Пример использования EstatEx

Что ждет ваш криптопроект в будущем

Выбранные мной лучшие идеи для кампаний по криптомаркетингу оказались успешными благодаря четырем ключевым факторам:

  • Брендинг
  • Повествование
  • Воронка
  • Каналы

Мы раскрыли эту концепцию в нашем руководство по маркетингу криптоконтента.

В целом, эти кампании по криптомаркетингу были сосредоточены на том, чтобы узнать и развить то, что актуально в их нише.

Они также сосредоточились на налаживании подлинных связей по каналам, которые чаще всего используют их сообщество.

Эти криптокомпании также нашли творческие способы повысить узнаваемость и вовлеченность, в том числе:

  • образовательный контент, такой как Binance
  • активные партнерства вроде Carbon Browser
  • или нативная реклама Web3 в Blockchain-Ads, например EstatEx
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