3.38% CTR | 5,180 New Users | $35.04 Avg FTD | $5.79 CPA | 6x ROAS
Zoomex is a centralized cryptocurrency trading platform established in 2021 and headquartered in Singapore. They wanted to expand their user base and increase trading volume. Zoomex used Blockchain-Ads to achieve their user acquisition goals for their CEX platform.
The campaign focused on user acquisition for Zoomex, with a total ad spend of $30,000. The campaign ran for 30 days, aiming to attract new users and encourage first-time deposits. By using Blockchain-Ads, Zoomex sought to optimize its reach and conversion rates within the cryptocurrency trading community.
To effectively target potential users, Zoomex employed the following strategies:
Zoomex's campaign with Blockchain-Ads successfully acquired new users and drove substantial first-time deposits, demonstrating the effectiveness of targeted advertising in the cryptocurrency space. By leveraging Blockchain-Ads' advanced targeting features, Zoomex was able to reach and engage with its desired audience, achieving a notable return on its investment.
User Acquisition
30 days
Used hyper-targeted Web3 campaigns and granular targeting to acquire CEX users, achieving high engagement and deposits.