$21 CPA on New web3 Retail Investors

1,296 new Potential investors for a Web3 Launchpad in 30 days

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July 21, 2024


Cost Per Acquisition


New Potential Investor acquired


Wallets connected with the Launchpad

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Acquiring new retail invesors for web3 Launchpad

Campaign Overview:

Blockchain-Ads launched an advertising campaign to attract high-value investors to Optimus.Ventures launchpad. Focused on the South East Asia region, the campaign operated on a pre-paid Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) model for new sign-ups and wallet connections. Our On-Chain Audience Matching (OCAM) & targeting technology enabled Optimus to identify and reach potential high-value crypto retail investors effectively.

Campaign Goals:

- Rarly Retail Investors acquisition
- Increase token holders

Targeting Strategy:

  • On-chain behavior: Wallet addresses identified as high-value crypto profiles, including both whales and minnows.
  • Preferred Chains: Profiles using Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain.
  • Holding Assets: Profiles holding other Launchpads Tokens and participating in other major IDOs.
  • Activity Criteria: Frequent transaction activity within the past 90 days.

Campaign Hooks:

  • Early stage Investment access - Vetted Projects  
  • 2 Way vesting - Smart Contract backed
  • Seed Stages access


After 60 days of optimization, the campaign achieved:
New Users: 1,296


This campaign demonstrates the effectiveness of targeted advertising in the crypto space, especially in regions where market penetration is still developing. Blockchain-Ads' strategic approach to user acquisition highlights the potential for profitable partnerships in the expanding world of digital currencies.

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Optimus Ventures

Campaign Type

Optimus Ventures



Case Timeline


How we helped
  • 1,296 new Web3 Retail investors Users
  • $21 Cost per Active User
  • 30-60 days optimization

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