Players: 2,210 | Average FTD Amount: $37.93 | CPA: $13.57 | CTR: 0.48% |ROAS: 2.79x
DexWin is the first licensed decentralized crypto betting platform, offering an immersive and fast online betting experience with cryptocurrency. They aimed to increase brand visibility and drive traffic to the platform through targeted advertising. To achieve this, DexWin utilized the Blockchain-Ads platform to reach their desired audience effectively.
DexWin's campaign focused on user acquisition in the gambling niche, specifically targeting potential users interested in crypto betting. The campaign had a budget of $30,000 and ran 30 days. The primary goal was to acquire new users and drive first-time deposits.
To achieve their objectives, DexWin employed the following strategies using Blockchain-Ads:
DexWin's campaign with Blockchain-Ads successfully acquired new users and drove significant first-time deposits, demonstrating the effectiveness of targeted Web3 advertising in the crypto betting space. By leveraging Blockchain-Ads' capabilities, DexWin was able to reach and engage their target audience efficiently, achieving a strong return on investment.
User Acquisition Campaign
30 Days
Used hyper-targeted Web3 campaigns and granular targeting to drive $83,800 in first-time deposits.